'Managing' our kids...is this really helping?

I am sure we have all been in that situation where we step into a situation to help 'guide' our 'littles' through a tough patch with a friend at a play date or on the school grounds etc.,  Did this happen for you as a child?  I know it was not the case for me and my upbringing.  For the most part, we parent differently then our parents did with us years ago.  My parents for one, were very un-involved relative to how I am today as a parent.  They let me walk to school on any given day, they asked me to pack my lunch, they asked me to be responsible with my manners and my relationships with my friends.  Looking back, I am amazed that I was given so much 'freedom,' and wonder how I 'turned' out okay...But WE did.  Today, I struggle with not being involved enough, thinking I need to 'be there' for my kids more often.  Like many parents I feel I need to check in after a playdate on my children's behaviour and their times at school.  I tend to want to 'micro' manage their day, but really, do I need to?  Is it necessary?  

Here is a TED talk that brought more thought and perspective to my parenting...